The spectra below are taken with a hi-spec module.
You need to download the file type you choose below
and then see it with your spectroscopy software.
Nukeman users would choose the DPS object format,
it carries all calibration & ROI data etc.
Pulse generator at 16K, 8K, 4K, 2K and below factors
Demo spectrum taken with a DSG1518 detector
Another spectrum taken with a DSG1518 detector
Taken at a demo session at GSI
With a 20 years old 30% detector at BAS
With a new 50% detector at BAS
This spectrum was among the first ones taken with a hi-spec module,
using a 15% DSG detector with a Be window.
Demo3.spc - DPS object format
Demo3.spm - Nucleus-2 format
Demo3.txt - Plain ASCII format
Demo3.iae - ASCII format used by the IAEA
Calibrate the peak with centroid at channel 5765.41 at 1173.2 keV, the rest will
be in their places.
(The hi-spec module has no offset-0).
Here is what the 137Cs peak looks like:
This spectrum was also one of the first ones taken with a hi-spec module,
using a 15% DSG detector with a Be window.
The peak at 6.4 keV, meant to demonstrate the extended low range,
was achieved by letting the 241Am source beat a used 9V battery :-). Its coating
turned out to be Fe, which is responsible for the fluorescence at this energy.
Demo4.spc - DPS object format
Demo4.spm - Nucleus-2 format
Demo4.txt - Plain ASCII format
Demo4.iae - ASCII format used by the IAEA
Calibrate the peak with centroid at channel 5766 at 1173.2 keV, the rest will
be in their places.
(The hi-spec module has no offset-0).
Here is what the 241Am peak looks like:
This spectrum was taken with a pulse generator, changing only the
conversion gain of the hi-spec module. The input signal was apr. 500 mV.
varfhis.spc - DPS object format
varfhis.spm - Nucleus-2 format
varfhis.txt - Plain ASCII format
varfhis.iae - ASCII format used by the IAEA
Here are some screenshots of the fitting results, as competitor fit
algorithms are unlikely to cope with peaks that narrow.
Below 4K conversion even our fit cannot do much since all counts are
essentially in a single channel...
This spectrum was taken at a demo session at GSI in April 2002. The
detector was a multi-segment one, with 70% efficiency.
gsi_5.spc - DPS object format
gsi_5.spm - Nucleus-2 format
gsi_5.txt - Plain ASCII format
gsi_5.iae - ASCII format used by the IAEA
Calibrate the peak with centroid at channel 5797.69 at 1332.5 keV, the rest will
be in their places.
(The hi-spec module has no offset-0).
Here is what the 60Co peak looks like:
This spectrum was taken at a demo session at BAS in Sofia in the early 2002.
The detector was a really old one, with 30% efficiency.
some_g30.spc - DPS object format
some_g30.spm - Nucleus-2 format
some_g30.txt - Plain ASCII format
some_g30.iae - ASCII format used by the IAEA
Calibrate the peak with centroid at channel 5503.89 at 1173.2 keV, the rest will
be in their places.
(The hi-spec module has no offset-0).
Here is what the lower 60Co peak looks like:
This spectrum was taken at a demo session at BAS in Sofia in the early 2002.
The detector was a new one, with 50% efficiency. Its preamp failed several
months later, and had some excessive noise even when the spectrum was
taken, yet the results were better than the detector specs.
some_g50.spc - DPS object format
some_g50.spm - Nucleus-2 format
some_g50.txt - Plain ASCII format
some_g50.iae - ASCII format used by the IAEA
Calibrate the peak with centroid at channel 6626.39 at 1332.5 keV, the rest will
be in their places.
(The hi-spec module has no offset-0).
Here is what the 60Co peak looks like: